Paul Wilson and Carl Cloutier

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Rob Thompson sent these shots in. Thanks Rob!!

(L) Caught in the act. (R) Tom Craven can unshuffle with his eyes closed.

(L) "I swear that the book will be done by 2008." (R) Carl caught sneaking a ball into his pocket.

(L) Relaxing at Gerry Costello's (R) Trix are for kids.

(L) John Rodgers doing something impossible (R) Canadian flags for Carl.

(L) "If that card is in there??...."  (R) Carl interrogates Jose.

(L) Your guess is as good as mine.  (R) "I can't believe my eyes"

(L) BEER! (R) Rick levitating a playing card.

"You're not going to believe this.. the card you are merely thinking of is written on my arm!"

The sessions at Gerry's house are awesome. Great food.. great magic..

(L) Tom Gagnon performs the disappearing pepsi trick (R) Paul saved the "real work" for Costello's.. yipes!

(C) Copyright 2004 Mike Powers Magic