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Convention Review

Photo Set 1

(L) Jerry can really destroy your sense of reality (R) Gene shows his paper cutting skills.

Gene wrote the book on newspaper magic (literally).

(L) Steve cleans up pretty well but he'll return as a different character. (R) Todd Charles' act is really a variety pack of wild stuff. Here he demonstrates his shadow picture abilities.

I never tire of seeing Todd's act. It is totally unique and hilarious.

(L) Todd is an excellent banjo player too. (R) What the heck???

When Steve puts in the funky teeth.. look out...

Steve's classic straight jacket escape.

Bargatze is also great with kids. You gotta love him!

(L) Another of Gene's M.C. bits. (R) Chuck King is not only a great magician and comic but he also does hypnotism. Check it out below:

Chuck gets the volunteers in the mood to go under.

Wow! These people are really in the twilight zone.

(L) They think they are very cold (R) Thomas Kracker experiencing deep hypnosis.

Where do these guys think they are?

(L) Jerry Andrus and Tim Wise strike the pose (R) Allan Ackerman's lecture Sunday morning. Killer!

The conclusion of an excellent Michigan Magic day. Congrats to Tony Gerard and the whole crew who worked hard to make this a memorable experience for everyone.

Convention Review

Photo Set 1